WELCOMEWhether you are Local, come as a Tourist to Dubai or work as an Expat in Dubai - I will be available for you as an orthopedic surgeon. The aim of my practice is to offfer the highest standard of orthopedic treatment and individual care. Whether you come as an athlete or normal person - I will will try to do everything medically possible for your satisfaction. Due to my continuous medical education you will always receive a treatment using the latest technology. EDUCATION1974 | High School and College Degree, Berlin, Germany | 1975 - 1980 | Study of Medicine at the "Freie Universitaet Berlin", Germany | 1980 - 1981 | Study of Medicine at the " Albert - Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg", Germany | 1981 | Licence as a Doctor of Medicine | 1981 - 1990 | Residency in General and Trauma Surgery at the "Staedtische Kliniken Villingen- Schwenningen", Germany | 1984 | Doctor of Medicine (Ph.D) | 1985 | Specialist in Emergency Medicine | 1987 | Specialist in General Surgery | 1990 | Specialist in Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery | 1990 | Specialist in Chirotherapy (Chiropractic) | 1995 | Instructor for Arthroscopic Surgery (AGA - Instructor), Germany |
WORK 1991 - 2005 | Director and Senior Surgeon "Praxisclinic Muellheim" Institute for Outpatient Surgery Consultant for Orthopedic Surgery at Helios Clinic Muellheim and Helios Clinic Breisach Instructor for Arthroscopic Surgery at Helios Hospitals, Germany | 2006 - 2013 | Consultant for Orthopedic Surgery at the American Hospital Dubai, UAE | 2013 - 2014 | Chairman of the Orthopedic Department American Hospital Dubai, UAE | Since 2014 | Orthopedic Surgeon at Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery Dubai, UAE |
Continuous Medical Education (CME) 1990 - 2000 1996 | 1st World Congress Sports Injuries in Palma de Mallorca , Spain | 1996 | 2nd World Congress Sports Injuries in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA | 1996 | Course „autologe Chondrozytentransplantation “ in Amsterdam, NL | 1997 | Course Kneesurgery (AOSSM) Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA | 1998 | Advances in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Oxford, England | 1999 | Hands-on Training in Shoulder Surgery in Naples, Florida, USA | 2000 | Course Repicci Minimalinvasive Knee Surgery, Dueren, Germany | 2000 | Course Knee Arthroplasty in Munich, Germany | 2000 | Special Course in Orthopedic Surgery Kantonsspital Bruderholz, Basel, CH |
Continuous Medical Education (CME) 2001 - 20102002 | Course BICONTACT Hip Surgery, Aachen, Germany | 2002 | AOSSM 28.th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA | 2003 | TKA training ( Innex) Dr. Drobny, Schulthess-Clinic , Zurich, Switzerland | 2003 | Course ACL - Reconstruction, Bad Griesbach, Germany | 2003 | AGA 20th Congress - Dresden, Germany | 2004 | ESSKA 11 Congress, 4th World Congress on Sports Trauma, Athens, Greece | 2004 | Instructor: 2nd Arthroscopy Course Breisach, Germany | 2004 | Symposium for Rheumatology (Morbus Bechterew), Bad Gastein, Austria | 2004 | AGA 21th Congress - Lucerne, Switzerland | 2005 | Innovations in Minimally Invasive Joint Surgery, Barcelona, Spain | 2006 | Specialty Course Arthroscopic Surgery, Naples, USA | 2007 | 6th ISAKOS Congress, Florence, Italy | 2008 | ESSKA 13 Congress,Porto, Portugal | 2008 | The Knee, Our Universe, Frankfurt, Germany | 2009 | Arthromunich Conference, Munich, Germany | 2009 | South African Knee Symposion, Johannisburg, South Africa | 2009 | German Trauma- and Orthopedic Conference, Berlin, Germany | 2010 | 6th Middle East Orthopedic Conference, (Arab Health), Dubai, UAE | 2010 | Synthes Regional Tomofix Knee Osteotomy Course Dubai, UAE | 2010 | 27th AGA - Congress, Vienna, Austria | 2010 | ISTA`s 23rd Annual Congress, Dubai, UAE | 2010 | AO Trauma Regional Course - Foot and Ankle, Dubai, UAE |
Continuous Medical Education (CME) 2011 -20152011 | 7th Middle East Orthopedic Conference (Arab Health), Dubai, UAE | 2011 | ISAKOS 8th Congress, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil | 2011 | AO Trauma Master Course - Lower Extremity, Dubai, UAE | 2011 | Trauma and Wound Training Course OPED, Munich, Germany | 2012 | 8th Middle East Orthopaedics Conference, Dubai, UAE | 2012 | International Congress for Joint Reconstruction , Dubai, UAE | 2012 | 15th ESSKA Congress, Geneva, Switzerland | 2012 | Shoulder Reconstruction Wet Lab Training Arthrex, Naples, USA | 2012 | Trauma and Wound Training Course OPED, Munich, Germany | 2013 | 9th Middle East Orthopedic Conference, Dubai, UAE | 2013 | Advances in the Knee, Toronto, Canada | 2013 | ISAKOS 9th Congress, Toronto, Canada | 2013 | 30th AGA Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany | 2014 | IAOC Conference, Dubai, UAE | 2014 | ICJR Conference Middle East, Dubai, UAE | 2014 | 16th ESSKA Congress, Amsterdam, NL | 2014 | ICJR Conference, Cairo, Egypt | 2015 | International Advanced Orthopeadic Congress, Dubai, UAE | 2015 | ISAKOS and FIFA, Issues and Challenges in Safety and Health in Soccer, Lyon, France | 2015 | ISAKOS 10th Congress, Lyon, France | 2015 | ICJR Conference, Dubai, UAE |
Faculty Instruction1981 - 1990 | Teacher at the Nursing Schools of the Hospitals in Villingen - Schwenningen, Germany | 1991 - 2005 | Authorization for Education in General and Orthopaedic Surgery in Germany | 2004 | Instructor: 2nd Arthroscopy Course Breisach, Germany | 2005 | Instructor: Arthrex Workshop Shoulder and Knee, International Training Center Munich, Germany | 2008 | Instructional Course Primary- and Revision TKA, Dubai, UAE | 2009 | Lectures : Sports Injuries Shoulder and Knee, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE | 2010 | Lecture: Acute Ruptures of the Achilles Tendon, Dubai | 2011 | Moderator: Arthroscopic and Minimal Invasive Procedures Upper Extremity, Arab Health, Dubai | 2011 | Lecture: Minimal Invasive Treatment of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations, Dubai, UAE | 2012 | Lecture: PRP in Orthopaedics - Does it really help?, Dubai, UAE | 2012 | Lecture: Ankle Injuries: Role of the VACOped in the United Arab Emirates, Munich, Germany | 2013 | Moderator: Innovations in Orthopeadics (Arab Health), Dubai, UAE | 2013 | Lecture: PRP Treatment for Tendon Disorders (Arab Health) Dubai, UAE | 2014 | Lecture: OA after ACL Tear and ACL Reconstruction, IAOC, Dubai, UAE | 2014 | Lecture: Results of ACL Reconstruction using Hamstring versus BTB, ICJR, Dubai, UAE | 2014 | Lecture: AMIC and PRP - New perspectives in Cartilage Repair, Cairo, Egypt | 2015 | Lecture: Proximal Bicepstendon Rupture - Does it need to be treated? Dubai, UAE | 2015 | Lecture: ACL Augmentation, Dubai, UAE | 2015 | Moderator ICJR: Shoulder: SLAP and Biceps Pathology, Dubai, UAE | 2015 | Moderator ICJR: ACL Surgery, Dubai, UAE |
Memberships Founder member of the „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie" (AGA) | European Society for Knee Surgery and Arthroscopic Surgery (ESSKA) | International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) | AO Trauma Member (Silver Status) | ISAKOS Member |
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